Comments for Comment fonctionne la poste à Tenerife ? Très mal !

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Oct 29, 2012
Response from your webmaster
by: John

As this submission is in French, I've attempted a translation of it into English, using Babelfish. I hope it's reasonably accurate.

Title: How does the post work in Tenerife? Very bad!


23-29, July 2012, we had a wonderful stay in Tenerife (a gift from our daughter). It was the first time we had flown and travelled so far. We stayed at the Hotel Diamante Suites without any problems: excellent meals, room and impeccable hospitality, landscapes breathtaking, friendly people...Only problem: we wanted to share this with our loved ones and we sent 30 postcards and a letter (for our daughter's birthday). The first lot of cards were cancelled more than 15 days after posting them in Puerto de La Cruz, the stamp hidden by a kind of grey sticker, showing "priority". Priority in the round seal "marsa"...the indicated date seems to be August 16...(on cards received by our family). As for the rest of the items: missing! Never arrived (more than 20 cards...) Too bad! This has spoilt our remembrance of a great stay and left us with a little bitterness. We do not want this to happen to other tourists (French or foreign). I intend to file a complaint against X for theft of mail.
I took photographs of the mailbox. On the side, it reads: "To send your cards/postcards to France you must use "easy post" with the collaboration of the post" (French pictogram of the post...) What is "easy post"? Have we made a mistake by entrusting our stamped shipments? If so, there is the possibility to steal from us!

Incidentally, Hubert, you sent a second submission, saying "Why was the text I submitted all deformed? Review your hardware!!!". I don't understand this, as your submission has not been published until now. As you can see, it's not "deformed" at all.

Oct 31, 2012
Comment fonctionne la poste
by: Anonymous

Merci d'avoir rectifié mon premier envoi. Sur mon ordinateur certains mots ont été changés dès que je vous ai confirmé mon envoi.
Il ne s'agit pas de "salir" mais d'obtenir des éclaircissements quant à ce qui c'est passé. Sur un autre site (le routard) on parle d'arnaque avec des faux timbres...Bonne journée à tous
Cousin Hubb.

Oct 31, 2012
Response from your webmaster
by: John

Once again, I'll have a go at translating what Hubert says.

"Thank you for publishing my first submission in correct form. On my computer, when my submission was confirmed, some words were changed.
It is not "mud slinging", but clarification about what happened. On another site (Backpacker), there is talk about a scam using fake stamps...Good day to all.
Cousin Hubb."

I hope that's reasonably accurate.

Dec 07, 2012
The Tenerife Postcard Black Hole
by: Bobtraveller

Cards from Tenerife are often slow, but this time in September we sent 13 cards. Not one arrived in UK. We had started bringing them home after years of some going astray, and we then posted in UK, albeit with British stamp. That works fine. I'm told that if you want a card from Tenerife to reach your friends, put it in an envelope, otherwise they just get dumped, and the cost is wasted.

Mar 12, 2014
Beware of Easy Post
by: Anonymous

12 mars 2014

Le jour (19 février) après notre arrivée à Playa Paraïso, nous avons acheté une dizaine de cartes postales à envoyer en Belgique. Le vendeur nous a vendu des timbres Easy Post (plus chers que Correos !).
Le lendemain nous avons posté ces cartes dans une boite speciale rouge "Easy Post". Depuis plus aucune nouvelle.

2 jours (5 mars) avant notre départ nous avons encore envoyé deux cartes avec timbres Correos, celles-ci sont arrivées à destination le 10 mars....

Moralité ; payez plus cher et prenez votre mal en patience....

Jean Calonne, Jabbeke (Belgique)

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